- published: 05 Oct 2012
- views: 885
- author: TVOBigIdeas

Michael Persinger profile - Neuroscience research
Profile of Dr. Michael Persinger focussing on his research into brain stimulation to recre...
published: 05 Oct 2012
author: TVOBigIdeas
Michael Persinger profile - Neuroscience research
Michael Persinger profile - Neuroscience research
Profile of Dr. Michael Persinger focussing on his research into brain stimulation to recreate drug experiences.- published: 05 Oct 2012
- views: 885
- author: TVOBigIdeas

Neuroscience research goes deeper into the brain
This video highlights the work of some of the two dozen faculty members at UC Davis’s Ce...
published: 12 Dec 2008
author: UCDavis
Neuroscience research goes deeper into the brain
Neuroscience research goes deeper into the brain
This video highlights the work of some of the two dozen faculty members at UC Davis’s Center for Neuroscience. Established in 1990, the center unites resea...- published: 12 Dec 2008
- views: 3142
- author: UCDavis

Brains and Bodies: Neuroscience Research at Barnard
Working to help advance Dr. Rae Silver's dual interests are Megan Manganaro '10 and Akhila...
published: 17 Feb 2010
author: barnardcollege
Brains and Bodies: Neuroscience Research at Barnard
Brains and Bodies: Neuroscience Research at Barnard
Working to help advance Dr. Rae Silver's dual interests are Megan Manganaro '10 and Akhila Iyer '10, Barnard students majoring in neuroscience and behavior. ...- published: 17 Feb 2010
- views: 4967
- author: barnardcollege

Neuroscience Research at Atlantic Health System
Dr. John Halperin discusses neuroscience research at Atlantic Health System....
published: 12 Jan 2012
author: OverlookMedicalNJ
Neuroscience Research at Atlantic Health System
Neuroscience Research at Atlantic Health System
Dr. John Halperin discusses neuroscience research at Atlantic Health System.- published: 12 Jan 2012
- views: 468
- author: OverlookMedicalNJ

Brain Technology and Neuroscience Research Centre
BTNRC is established to accomplish the following:
1 To conduct scientific research, s...
published: 16 Oct 2013
Brain Technology and Neuroscience Research Centre
Brain Technology and Neuroscience Research Centre
BTNRC is established to accomplish the following: 1 To conduct scientific research, studies, and investigations in the fields of Brain Technology, Neuroscience, Psychology. Parapsychology, Sociology, and Human & Life Sciences. 2 To engage in inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary research and to undertake research on behalf of governments, public and private sector agencies. 3 To share specific and interdisciplinary knowledge among the scientific community worldwide, and to network with other organizations to create a collaborative environment in promoting scientific research and towards such purposes hold local and International Congresses. 4 To foster excellence and innovation in dissemination of knowledge, publish journals, manuals, and other print media including e-Journals to communicate its findings and share with professional network worldwide. We are affiliated to the Faculty of Creative Studies of the Java Institute for Advanced Technology. Coordinating Research Centre in Sri Lanka for the technologically based Asia-Pacific research network NASLAP. J. R. Jayewardene Cultural Centre, 191 Dharmapala Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka. Telephone: +9411 434 6528 E-Mail: info@btnrc.org Website: http://www.btnrc.org Faculty website: http://www.fcsprogrammes.org- published: 16 Oct 2013
- views: 28

Neuroscience Research Technology - Dr. Eve Edelstein
Dr. Eve Edelstein, a Calit2 affiliated neuroscientist discusses her research and new techn...
published: 23 Jun 2011
author: Calit2ube
Neuroscience Research Technology - Dr. Eve Edelstein
Neuroscience Research Technology - Dr. Eve Edelstein
Dr. Eve Edelstein, a Calit2 affiliated neuroscientist discusses her research and new technologies such as CAVECad and SoniCAVE.- published: 23 Jun 2011
- views: 1551
- author: Calit2ube

Neuroscience Research at Salk Institute, San Diego
Terrence J. Sejnowski and David Eagleman from the Neurobiology Lab explain their research ...
published: 30 Dec 2006
author: synesthesiainfo
Neuroscience Research at Salk Institute, San Diego
Neuroscience Research at Salk Institute, San Diego
Terrence J. Sejnowski and David Eagleman from the Neurobiology Lab explain their research on the human brain and the perception of vision and sound, the bind...- published: 30 Dec 2006
- views: 26044
- author: synesthesiainfo

NEURO.tv Episode 3 - The mind, the brain, computational neuroscience and ion channels.
In this episode, we talk about neural simulation, the relation between the mind and the br...
published: 04 Aug 2013
author: Jean-Francois Gariépy
NEURO.tv Episode 3 - The mind, the brain, computational neuroscience and ion channels.
NEURO.tv Episode 3 - The mind, the brain, computational neuroscience and ion channels.
In this episode, we talk about neural simulation, the relation between the mind and the brain, ion channels that make neurons excitable and neuroscience rese...- published: 04 Aug 2013
- views: 367
- author: Jean-Francois Gariépy

Neuroscience Research
Visiting Gettysburg as a senior in high school, James Taylor knew that it was a great fit-...
published: 16 Feb 2009
author: Gettysburg College
Neuroscience Research
Neuroscience Research
Visiting Gettysburg as a senior in high school, James Taylor knew that it was a great fit- from the Psychology department to the beautiful campus. More at ht...- published: 16 Feb 2009
- views: 708
- author: Gettysburg College

Neuroscience Research - Collaboration with the Maine Medical Center Research Institute
The Neuroscience Institute, in collaboration with the Maine Medical Center Research Instit...
published: 11 Jun 2010
author: MEMedicalCenter
Neuroscience Research - Collaboration with the Maine Medical Center Research Institute
Neuroscience Research - Collaboration with the Maine Medical Center Research Institute
The Neuroscience Institute, in collaboration with the Maine Medical Center Research Institute, participates in research and clinical trials for a range of ne...- published: 11 Jun 2010
- views: 322
- author: MEMedicalCenter

Prof Peter Schofield, Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA)
Prof Peter Schofield from Sydney's Neuroscience Research Australia talks about his researc...
published: 25 Aug 2011
author: Neuroscience Research Australia
Prof Peter Schofield, Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA)
Prof Peter Schofield, Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA)
Prof Peter Schofield from Sydney's Neuroscience Research Australia talks about his research into mental illness, his role as Executive Director, and the new ...- published: 25 Aug 2011
- views: 611
- author: Neuroscience Research Australia

MRI for kids at Neuroscience Research Australia
Want to know what it's like to have an Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scan at Neuroscien...
published: 28 Jan 2011
author: Neuroscience Research Australia
MRI for kids at Neuroscience Research Australia
MRI for kids at Neuroscience Research Australia
Want to know what it's like to have an Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scan at Neuroscience Research Australia? This video will show you what is involved.- published: 28 Jan 2011
- views: 2712
- author: Neuroscience Research Australia
Vimeo results:

The 4th Random Episode
From a tiny corner table at a busy Samovar Tea Lounge (samovarlife.com) in San Francisco, ...
published: 12 Aug 2009
author: Glenn McKenna
The 4th Random Episode
From a tiny corner table at a busy Samovar Tea Lounge (samovarlife.com) in San Francisco, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose jump into another random brain spew episode by starting off with a little medical update on Tim's recent ER visit for some elbow issues. Other topics include:
- the new (now old) iPhone 3GS, talking some about the new updates and then a short comparison with the Palm Pre.
- personal experiences with start-ups and pitching new ideas through avenues like Y Combinator http://ycombinator.com/ where Tim was then able to find and invest in startups like RescueTime http://www.rescuetime.com/ and Posterous http://posterous.com/
- Kevin, as a recent mentor at Demo days, gives up five things you can do as a new startup - to get your ideas in front of influencers.
- Tim recently gave a speech about per user metrics, unique visitors coming to your site - cost per acquisition, and lifetime value of the customer.
- Website Optimzer - http://www.google.com/websiteoptimizer/b/index.html
- Google Analytics - http://www.google.com/analytics/
- KISSmetrics (http://kissmetrics.com).
- WordCamp (http://central.wordcamp.org).
- List of Speakers at WordCamp (http://2009.sf.wordcamp.org/speakers).
- Tim's "How to Blog Without Killing Yourself" talk.
- Tim talks about the Living Language series
(http://www.randomhouse.com/livinglanguage) and its flaws.
Additional In-depth Notes on the last portion:
In the previous episode of "Random" (Link: http://bit.ly/RandomEp3), Kevin & Tim spoke a bit about language learning last time. He mentioned a book series called "The Living Language Series" (Link: http://bit.ly/LivingLanguage), which is a very high quality series. But that doesn't mean its perfect, as Tim points out in this episode. He gives his insight on how he evaluates textbooks, how he uses them and his own criterion on how he selected the mentioned series of textbooks. He goes on to talk about the issues he has like how it is structured to how the book teaches recognition and comprehention, he even gives you tips on how to easier work with the textbook. Kevin then attempts to read some Mandarin Chinese to Tim and... Kidna well, you be the judge. He continiues to say that the book doesn't provide enough visual recognition to the reader, which "makes the book easier to print", but not to fully understand. This means that just because you HEAR how something is said, doesn't mean that the word you repeat is used in the same context of what other people hear since many words sound the same but are written differently and mean very different things. Do you agree with Kevin's theory about watching foreign films to learn a language? For example, Tim mentions that David Prager (Link: http://twitter.com/dlprager) of Revision3 (Link: http://revision3.com/) about Netflix's streaming service (Link: http://www.netflix.com/HowItWorks) and how you can stream any movie or collection of movies and start learning rather than going down to a local video store like Blockbuster to see if they have in in stock. Which would you rather do? Oh, and Flash Cards help too.
Recommended Media: In Other Words: The Science And Psychology Of Second-language Acquisition (Link: http://bit.ly/KenjiHakuta), Google Search on "Cognitive Neuroscience research on language acquisition" (Link: http://bit.ly/BrainScience), Eat Drink Man Woman by Ang Lee (Link: http://bit.ly/NetflixPrager)

Neuroscience Research Australia TVC
Neuroscience Research Australia is a medical and neuroscience research institute with a f...
published: 29 Jun 2010
author: Neuroscience Research Australia
Neuroscience Research Australia TVC
Neuroscience Research Australia is a medical and neuroscience research institute with a focus on the brain and nervous system.

Platforms for the Future: Magic and Neuroscience - Luigi Anzivino
Luigi Anzivino, Scientific Content Developer, Exploratorium speaks at the 2011 Technology ...
published: 23 Jan 2012
author: IFTF
Platforms for the Future: Magic and Neuroscience - Luigi Anzivino
Luigi Anzivino, Scientific Content Developer, Exploratorium speaks at the 2011 Technology Horizons Fall Research Exchange.

Neuroscience Research
A short general motion graphic about brain research...
published: 08 Dec 2011
author: Thomas Splettstoesser
Neuroscience Research
A short general motion graphic about brain research
Youtube results:

Neuroscience PhD student Tom Harrison on his research on brain plasticity and stroke
Harrison's research uses light to look at how the brain's motor cortex adapts to stroke, a...
published: 24 Oct 2011
author: UBCinterdisciplinary
Neuroscience PhD student Tom Harrison on his research on brain plasticity and stroke
Neuroscience PhD student Tom Harrison on his research on brain plasticity and stroke
Harrison's research uses light to look at how the brain's motor cortex adapts to stroke, and how other parts of the brain take over these affected areas and ...- published: 24 Oct 2011
- views: 1693
- author: UBCinterdisciplinary

Mike Poole discusses AZ's virtual approach to neuroscience research
Dr. Mike Poole, Head of Neuroscience Innovative Medicines iMed, explains why AZ have adapt...
published: 01 May 2012
author: astrazeneca
Mike Poole discusses AZ's virtual approach to neuroscience research
Mike Poole discusses AZ's virtual approach to neuroscience research
Dr. Mike Poole, Head of Neuroscience Innovative Medicines iMed, explains why AZ have adapted their neuroscience structure, what the new iMed will be responsi...- published: 01 May 2012
- views: 513
- author: astrazeneca

CNAS Undergraduate Students Talk About Neuroscience Research
Two undergraduate students majoring in Neuroscience, talk about doing research while atten...
published: 22 May 2012
author: UCRCNAS
CNAS Undergraduate Students Talk About Neuroscience Research
CNAS Undergraduate Students Talk About Neuroscience Research
Two undergraduate students majoring in Neuroscience, talk about doing research while attending UC Riverside.- published: 22 May 2012
- views: 140
- author: UCRCNAS

Crowd Sourcing NeuroScience Research Accelerator - Alzheimer's Brain Function Analysis Tool
http://www.indiegogo.com/neuroaccelerator Contribute now to the crowd sourcing campaign on...
published: 05 May 2012
author: Don Dobbie
Crowd Sourcing NeuroScience Research Accelerator - Alzheimer's Brain Function Analysis Tool
Crowd Sourcing NeuroScience Research Accelerator - Alzheimer's Brain Function Analysis Tool
http://www.indiegogo.com/neuroaccelerator Contribute now to the crowd sourcing campaign on indiegogo accelerating Alzheimer's brain function research. Neuros...- published: 05 May 2012
- views: 18565
- author: Don Dobbie